March 29-April 1, 2023: CAMWS 119th Annual Meeting will be held in Provo, UT. For more information on the various activities and grants offered by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), visit their main page.
June 2023: American Classical League Annual Institute will be held at Washington University in St. Louis. Deadline for submitting proposals for pre-institute sessions is usually October and for institute sessions is January.
January 5-8, 2023: Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Every winter, the Society holds a joint meeting with the Archaeological Institute of America. The meeting includes the presentation of individual papers and panels, the Placement Service, for institutions advertising positions and candidates seeking them; an exhibit hall for browsing and purchasing the latest books from a variety of publishers; roundtable discussion sessions; dramatic performances by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance; meetings and receptions of affiliated groups, etc.